Cole NeSmith

There is perhaps no better word to describe Cole NeSmith than visionary. At its core, a visionary is someone who thinks about and plans the future with imagination and wisdom. Cole literally brings ideas to life. These aren’t small, singular ideas. He orchestrates beauty and music and magic to create meaningful, interactive experiences … and he’s only just begun. He has a vision of turning Orlando into a major arts scene. Read on to find out how.

Laura Gallaher

Laura Gallaher launched her career as an organizational psychologist by working with a team to change the organizational culture at NASA. Since then, she has been working with organizations big and small to help Type A, driven managers find their blind spots, open the lines of communication with their teams, and create a culture of vulnerability worth fighting for. At the same time, her own life is one filled with reflection and travel. Have I mentioned that she’s currently on a mission to live in a different country each month for a year? Yeah, she’s a rockstar. Read on to find out how to ask the right questions to get the right results regardless of whether you’re part of a team of two or 200.

Pat Williams

Pat Williams has been living at the intersection of Strongest Passion Street & Greatest Talents Avenue his entire career. He calls this location his sweet spot but I’d say he’s been living in the zone. If Disney made a movie about his career you may just think that it seems a bit far-fetched. From Hall of Fame catcher to Baseball Executive to NBA Executive, he has reached the pinnacle of each phase of his life.

Bob Burg

Bob Burg is truly a people person. Whether it’s connecting with his audience as a sportscaster, through sales, or in his current role as a How-To expert and public speaker, his message is one that all entrepreneurs need to hear: valuing people and giving value to people is a guaranteed recipe for success. Read on to find out how you can turn every experience into a win-win for everyone involved.

Anna Eskamani

Have you ever experienced a moment when you’re frustrated with the state of affairs and you look around you and think someone should do something? I think we all have. In Anna Eskamani’s case, that moment did not go unnoticed and it came with an awakening that the time for action was now. Anna is authentic, candid, and has some bold ideas about how things should change.

Kristen Wiley

If you’re on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed that we’re currently in the age of the Influencer. We’re not talking celebrities here, but regular individuals who have managed to create a personal brand and leverage it to build relationships with brands. Ever wonder how those individuals connect with brands? Enter Kristen Wiley, who used her experience both in marketing and as an influencer herself to create a business that bridges the gap between those two groups. Her entire enterprise started after following one sage piece of advice given to her by a college professor…

Jeanette Johnson

Perfectly styled and ahead of her time, Jeanette Johnson was a Midwest farm girl turned style maven for the everyday woman at a time when mainstream media dominated the fashion scene. Read on to see how social has changed the life of a professional blogger and to find out what a fashion blogger really does.

Eddie Selover

As a speech coach and an event planner extraordinaire, Eddie Selover excels in communicating messages and bringing people together, which is pretty remarkable since he’s definitely not a ‘joiner.’ It’s true, a personality assessment verified it! Read on to find out his tips on making anyone a better public speaker and find out how 6 minutes and 40 seconds is the magic number that can both blow your mind and entertain you.

Suneera Madhani

The best damn experience. That’s what CEO Suneera Madhani’s payment processing company, Fattmerchant, aims to give its customers every single day. From its colorful office to playful digital platform the organization has definitely taken on her persona. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did. Or dare I say … the best damn interview?!

Tim Fisher

In an industry that creates smoke and mirrors, Tim Fisher wears authenticity and honestly on his sleeve like badges of honor. He’s a visionary with a love of family, artistic expression, and surfing. Dive in to find out how failure is our greatest teacher, how respect will get you everywhere, and how Tim’s guest lecture in my college class lead me to send him a very interesting package.